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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

here is some more cherokee this time I will make it make sense ok

just some cherokee words.

from english to cherokee how to pronase

January - dunolvtqni du-no-lv-tq-ni
February- Kagali Ka-ga-li
March - Unulqhi U-nu-lq-hi
April - Tsiloni Tsi-lo-ni
May - Acovisgv'ti A-cov)-(I)-s-gv'-ti
June - Datsaluni Da-tsa-lu-ni
July - Guyeguoni Gu-ye-guo-:ni
Auguyst - Galoni Ga-lo-ni
September- Dulisdi Du-li-:s-di
October - Duninvdi Du-ni-nv-:di
November- Nvdadegwa Nv-da-de'-wa
Deccmber- Vsgiyio V'-s-gi-yi

I hope that this will help you to better understand why I write ,and try to learn the cherokee ,and other langegese


BarnGoddess_01 said...

cool! thats the first time I ever read Cherokee! : )

Hope said...

I am going to post sommore later
I am part cherokee ,and I am just now starting to learn the words to it.