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Monday, December 04, 2006

This is what A true Friend is "

I have been reading ,and seeing a lot of thing's this past week ,and I have been doing a lot of thinking about this ,and what I have desided is that there are not' very many people left out there that you can call your friend as I thought about this I desided to post what I think a real friend should be ? I belilve that a person can have friend's ,best friend's but you really only have friend's if there true friend's ,and that is something that is still out there ,but finding them is so hard these day's? To me the way that I see it is that a friend will be there sometime's for you ,but A real true friend will alway's be there for you when you need them the most .Have any of you ever heard that new country song that is call YOU FIND OUT WHO YOUR FRIEND'S ARE ?? I love that song it is so true ,and strat to the pont. I have learnd the hard way that some people are there only when it's for their beonfet only ,and then there is the one's that are alway's there no matter what I have been blessed as far as that goes' I have found many friend's that are true one's ,but also the one's that where only there because they wanted something from me . so I f there is one thing that I can say to make sense out of what I have said it is this . You find out who your true friend's are ,and when you find people that are like this you need to hold on to them because that Is something that is getting harder ,and harder to find these day's . I have also been seeing where many people have been hurting other's on there own blog's ,and other thing's I am not' one of thouse people I only try to help other's ,and never once have I ever saked anything in retruen from anyone that I have ever met before. I mind my own bisunss ,and wish that other people could sometime's do the same I keep my openoun to my self most of the time so that no one's feeling's ever get hurt ,and so that everyone goe's home happy anyway I just wanted to post something , but I don't know really why I posted this I guess maybe because I wanted you all to know what kind of person that I am on the inside I am alway's the way that I am ,and some people may not' like that but I am who I am ,and every one elase is who they are so why can't everyone just get along is what I would like to know ??
Ok I'm done about that for good now I just had to get this off my chist have a great day everyone.


mystic rose said...

brave post! its not always easy to say whats in your heart. i totlaly agree, when we find true friends we need to hold on to them. and live and let live..there's too much hurting going on in the world already.

Hope said...

Mystic thank's for the word's when I seen that I had a comment on this one I was afread to look because, when I wrote this I was not' really sure if some people would take it the wrong way ,and be hurt by it ,but if for any reason that anyone is I want you to know that that was not' my entenchtion's ok. I was just trying to say what's on my mind today ,and get this all out in the open thats all. thank's

BarnGoddess_01 said...

great post!

I agree w/ you 100%

I tagged u by the way :)

Hope said...

OK you have tagged me ,and I'm going for it here I go.

Anonymous said...

Number 1 Hope, every word is this post is true.

Number 2, I have found out this myself this week.

Number 3, you already knew this. :)

Thank you for your support, my friend.

Hope said...

Your welcom Brain anytime